Eina fjöl í einu
The Samúel Jónsson Art Museum Elísabet Brynhildardóttir, Sirra Sigrún Sigurðardóttir, Selma Hreggviðsdóttir and Erling T.V. Klingenberg, August 2020
For the exhibition "Eina fjöl í einu" Elísabet created the site specific piece "A path and a reading for Samúel". An audio reading leading down a seashell path.
The recreated seashell path is a 200 meter long path connecting the art museum and the ocean. In his old age Samúel started loosing his eyesight so he laid out a seashell path stretching the 200 meters from the ocean to his site so he would not get lost when collecting sand for his cement sculptures. Samúel Jónsson was a great lover of beauty and joy thus the audio reading is the third chapter from the book "De fortabte spillemænd" (The Lost Musicians) by the writer William Heinesen. The chapter describes a spontant night visit by a group of dreamy artists to the Orken Isles, a small cluster of rocks by the entrance to a cove in Faroe Island, hoping to experience the splendid sunrise
About Samúel Jónsson Art Museum
The exhibition was set at The Samúel Jónsson Art Musem in Selárdalur on the Westfjords in Iceland. A remote oasis where artist Samúel Jónsson constructed a church, a gallery and various concrete sculptures in his old age. Samúel was 65 years old when he received a pension which allowed him to fulfil his life´s dream and dedicate himself to his art. Although he had never received a formal artistic training, he had a natural aptitude for drawing, painting and woodcarving. Visitors can today see Samúel´s creations and it is rather difficult to believe that this was in fact possible, especially because Samúel did everything mostly by himself, without electricity or machinery. For the past 15 years a team of volunteers have been rebuilding and conserving the site, restoring it to its glory. Samúel´s dream was to have an art museum for artists to exhibit their work and with the opening of the exhibition "Eina fjöl í einu" that dream came to fruition.